Versions Compared


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What’s new

The focus for this release has been on improving the process for managing updated working hours for supervisors. The following updates have been made:

  • Send an updated booking request
    When pressing “save changes” after the working hours have been edited for one or several supervisors, a question will be generated to send an updated booking request to the supervisor. The supervisor will then receive an email informing about the updated working hours and ask them to answer to this updated request.

    Once the updated working hours have been saved, this will be shown as a separate booking in the supervisor booking pane as long as the first booking is already accepted.

    In the case the “original” booking is still pending, updating the working hours will simply update the pending booking, and will not be treated as a separate one. The email informing about the update will still be possible to send.

  • The supervisor availability
    In the case the supervisor has accepted the “original” booking but declines the updated one, he or she will be made unavailable for the declined hours, but the original booking will still be accepted.


  • Move multiple rooms in room booking calendar
    There have been further improvements to the room booking calendar where you can move multiple rooms in from one slot to another, no matter if they are related. Simply mark all rooms you wish to move and drag them to a new slot or day.


  • Insert room booking for child exams or linked exams
    When moving a room booking containing exams to a new slot, there can be child exams or linked exams in other rooms which hinders you from moving the current room. Therefore it is now possible to insert the related rooms in the dialog and select to move those as well to a new slot.

Bug fixes

  • Resolved a bug where some exams were unable to publish.

  • Resolved a bug where you couldn’t schedule different child exams in different slots for the same day.

  • Resolved a bug where you only could make room bookings for one day at the time.

  • Resolved a bug where the wrong day where booked in TE core, linked to the bug mentioned above.