
Reserve - Auto cancel reservations unless they are confirmed with a time locked checkbox.

Every 2 minutes Auto cancel runs by finding reservations with the selected template group that occurs at that time. Only reservations that belongs to the template group selected under Customize → Admin → “Template group reserve” is affected.

The reservation is cancelled when all of the following is true

1) The selected field is not checked.

2) The selected fields is not time locked.

3) The reservation has not been changed the last minute.

The field selected must be a reservation field of type checkbox.

The UserID is the id of the user that should find and cancel reservations.

Example with 15 minutes confirm time:

The field selected is time locked and can only be changed 15 minutes before the begin time of the reservation to 15 minutes after the begin time of the reservation. A reservation at 12.00 has the field open to change between 11.45 to 12.15. And will be cancelled after 12.15 unless the field is checked.


Entrances - Display of & in entrance name.

SSO - Login check and logout redirect.

Schedule - Admin - empty under Columns in Schedule.

Schedule - Search objects.