TE Exam 1.4.4

What’s new

  • When allocating students to an exam, It’s now possible to adjust the number of planned students both up and down

  • Improved the UI for the external references field by moving it to the top of an exam

  • The column indicating whether a supervisor can be lead has been added to the scheduled supervisor table

  • Improved the logic for how lead supervisor works, allowing for a room booking to have 0 lead supervisors

  • The linked exam pane in the object selector now also shows the scheduling priorities of the other exams

  • Added a loading indicator to indicate a room is being booked in the room booking calendar


Bug fixes

  • Resolved a bug where the room booking detail page sometimes broken when clicking on the exam tab

  • Resolved a bug where users were sometimes allowed to create scheduling priorities on properties the system wasn’t configured to use

  • Resolved a bug where the “campus” column would disappear in requested exam tables.

  • Resolved a bug where the number of allocated students wouldn’t update in real time

  • Resolved a bug where assigned special needs weren’t included in the export of students