TE Exam 1.4.5

What’s new: 

  • The post exam student notes is included in the room booking export under a new tab in the export called “Student Information”.


  • There is a new column added in the allocate students table for student’s special needs. 


  • There is a new column added for personal identification number to the special needs table in exam detail.


  • Improved validation messages for exam scheduling in order to more easily identify missing information.

  • Added fields for “information to the administrators”, “Information to supervisors” and “Information to the students” to the exam batch import template. 

Bug fixes: 

  • Resolved a bug which did not allow you to create an exam it with 0 planned students if the exam is linked.

  • Resolved a bug were the exam owner could appear as undefined.

  • Resolved a bug where the student schedule only showed id, instead of description, for special needs.

  • Resolved a bug where the registered students number in the modal sometimes didn’t match what was in the exam.

  • Resolved a bug where the top bar in exam detail didn’t show the same values if going to calendar from exam detail, or if going through calendar