TE Exam 1.4.12

What’s new

  • New event history log for exams
    In a new tab under the exam details page you will find the event log. It will show the event history of an exam in order to know when and by whom an exam was created, modified, scheduled, published etc.

The event history of an exam will only be available for exams created after the event log was finalized in July 2020.


  • “Select all” in the scheduling calendar
    There is a new “select all” option in the scheduling calendar pages. Available on both rooms, exams and supervisors page.



  • Three new selectable columns in the exam tables
    Added the possibility to select “Campus”, “Created” and “Updated” as columns in both the pending, scheduled and past exams table.

Bug fixes

  • Resolved a bug on the supervisors scheduling tab where “campus” didn’t contain values.