TE Exam 1.4.17

What’s new

In order to support our customers in their work with GDPR compliance there is a new page in TE Exam. The page contains two tabs, one for exporting personal data and the other one for screening and deleting personal data.

  • Export personal data
    Enter name, email or personal number in the search field and select to search among students, supervisors, users, exams or among all of them. When you have found what you are looking for, select the certain rows and export them into an excel report.


  • Archive or delete personal data
    Set the date range for your search and select to search among either students, supervisors, users or exams. Once you have found what you are looking for, select to delete personal data.

    • Students: All registered students on any exam within the set date range. Deleting the students means deleting their personal data and anonymizing them in the exam statistics.

    • Supervisors: All deactivated supervisors within the set date range. Deleting supervisors means erasing them completely from the database.

    • Users: All deactivated users within the set date range. Deleting users means erasing them completely from the database.

    • Exams: All exams within the set date range. There are two options for exams. The first one is to delete all personal data on the exam, this means to delete (and in this way anonymizing) professors, coordinators, exam owners and free text fields. The second option is to completely erase the exams from the database.



  • Report generator updates
    There are several updates to the report template builder such as page numbers, numerical sorting, vertical lines in the PDF version, decreased font in the header and landscape orientation. Further more all objects available in TE Exam are now possible to select as “values”.

  • Cancelled Exams
    Updated terminology from last week's release where the improved process for “Depublished exams” where referring to “Cancelled exams”. The name on the tab is now updated and the option to cancel exams is available as batch operation, as well as for single exams.

    The scheduling for a cancelled exam is automatically removed. It is possible to “uncancel” an exam and get it back as pending, this is done in the cancelled exams tab.

  • Customize public schedule
    In the exam settings page it’s now possible to customize what is shown in the public schedule visible to the student. Simply toggle the objects which you prefer to be published to the students schedule.

    Additionally it’s optional whether to show student seat in the public schedule or not. This is done in the student registration page.

  • Timeline view updates
    There is a new pop-up in the timeline view to clarify the numbers in the charts for room capacity and supervisors. There are also arrows added to the date picker in order to faster jump between nearby days.

Bug fixes

  • Resolved a bug for duplications of seat allocation on room level.

  • Resolved a bug where the public schedule URL sometimes created error messages on the reservation settings page.

  • Resolved a bug on the timeline view where clicking on “booking supervisor” jumped to the wrong date.