TE Exam 1.4.18

What’s new


  • Configurable header in the report generator
    There is a new section in the report template builder which makes it possible to configure your own page header. Click on “Add new” to add a new row, enter the title and select an object as value. There is an option “Free text” in the value dropdown, select this one in order to enter whatever you want in the value field, e.g the name of you organization.

    Use the toggle option “use print date” to get a timestamp on the list when it’s generated.

  • Report generator improvements
    There are further improvements done to the report generator which are a secondary sorting column and selectable page breaks. The secondary sorting column can be useful when for e.g sorting primarily on exam and secondary on student name. For the page break you can choose to have it per exam, per room or no page break at all.

  • Simplified process to add more the than five supervisor
    The right side window in the room booking calendar have been updated in order to simplify the process to enter more than five supervisors on a room booking. Write a number for supervisors needed or use the arrows up and down in the number input box. Select several room bookings with the checkboxes and change the number of supervisors needed for all of the bookings.

The default number of supervisors needed can be adjusted in the exam settings page for other customizations. Don’t forget to save your changes.


  • Room booking calendar
    There is a new calendar named “Room booking” in the scheduling page. This calendar shows all rooms that are booked. There will be several updates to this page shortly with the aim to simplify the process of moving a room booking containing exams and supervisors between slots.




  • Event for cancelled exam
    There is a new event added in the event log for cancelled exams.


Bug fixes

  • Resolved a bug where the sorting in the supervisors table didn’t always work.

  • Resolved a bug on the exam settings page where the “publish to student’d schedule” weren’t automatically disabled when the objects were disabled.