TE Exam 1.4.21

What’s new

Move room bookings to new slots
The focus for this release has been on improving slot management and simplifying the process of moving one room booking and its content to another slot. Therefore drag and drop have been added to the “Room booking” calendar where you simply can drag and drop a room booking from one slot to another.

  • Color indication in calendar
    The slots will indicate wether or not the room is occupied in TE Exam or in TE Core using the colors of a traffic light.

    • Red: The room is occupied. Either in the certain slot or in a slot where the time is overlapping. The room is not possible move.

    • Yellow: The room is not occupied, but the slot is overlapping the current booking. The room booking is possible to move, but it’s not possible to make a new booking and also retaining the current one.

    • Green: The room is unoccupied. The room booking is possible to move. It is also possible to make a new booking in the certain slot and retain the current one.


  • Move room bookings containing exams to new slot
    It is possible to move a room booking containing exams. When you drag and drop a room booking containing one or several exams, the below dialog will appear.

  • Actions:

    • Move to new slot: Move the exam together with the room booking to the new slot.

    • Retain on current room booking: Retain the exam on current room booking. This will create a new room booking in the selected slot as well as retaining the current one.

    • Remove scheduling: This will remove the scheduling for the certain exam an move the room booking to the new slot.


  • Move multiple room bookings
    According to the scheduling rules all related child exams or linked exams needs to be scheduled the same day and slot. Therefore it is possible to select multiple room bookings to drag and drop when the room bookings are related. When selecting one room booking with related exams in other rooms, those will be highlighted (as in picture below). Select all of them and drag them to a new slot.

    When moving multiple room bookings there will be a number in the right corner indicating how many rooms that are being moved.

  • Moving room bookings containing linked exam
    If the room booking contains one or several linked exams in another room (and not all of the rooms are selected), the exam won’t be able to move. There will only be two actions available in this case:

    • Retain on current room booking: This will retain the exam on the current room booking and create a new room booking in the selected slot.

    • Remove the scheduling: This will remove the scheduling of the certain exam and move the room booking to the selected slot.



  • Move room bookings containing supervisors to new slot
    It is also possible to move room bookings containing supervisors to a new slot. When drag and drop a room booking containing supervisors, the below dialog will appear. It will indicate the supervisors availability in the new slot if they “can be moved” or “can not be moved”. Accepted, pending or expired requests are shown in the table.

  • Actions:

    • Move and send new booking request: This will move the supervisor together with the room booking to the new slot. It will also generate an email with a new booking request to the supervisor, informing this is replacing the old booking. The status of the supervisor booking request will go to pending.

    • Move without sending new booking request: This will move the supervisor together with the room booking to the new slot. The status of the supervisor booking request will go to pending.

    • Cancel supervisor booking: This will cancel the supervisor's booking and move the room to the new slot. It will also generate an email informing the supervisor of the cancelled booking.

    • Retain on current room booking: This will retain the supervisors booking on the current room booking and create a new room booking in the selected slot.

  • Drag and drop exams in exam calendar
    The feature to drag and drop is also added to the exam calendar. Click on the exam ID and simply drag the exam to the preferred room booking.



  • Configure a default checklist
    Improvements have been made to the checklist where it’s now possible to configure a default one for all exams. The feature is available in the exam settings page under the “other customizations” tab. Enable the feature with the toggle option and add the checklist actions. The list will be as default for all exams, but can be edited for each exam.


  • Exam info in the overview table for room bookings
    A tooltip has been added to the room bookings overview table in order to know what exams are scheduled in the certain room booking. Hover over the number of exams to receive the information.


Bug fixes

  • Resolved a bug where objects from TE server momentarily were missing

  • Resolved a bug where the page sometimes broke when selecting objects as an exam manager

  • Resolved a bug where seat allocation on group exam didn’t allocate all students

  • Resolved a bug where printing the exam overview table didn’t work for landscape