TE Exam 1.5


  • Frozen top row in the overview tables
    The top row with the column headers are now frozen and vertical scroll have been added to the overview tabled of exams and rooms.


  • Time and slot rendered for group exam
    In the overview table for exams the time and slot is now rendered also for the group exams. The first child exams is used as value.


  • Priorities visible for the exam manager
    There is a new column with the priorities added in the exam managers exam overview table.


  • Export cancelled exams & updated time format
    From the export exams page it is now possible to export cancelled exams as well and the time format has been updated to follow excel standard format for time hh:mm:ss.

  • Updated menu icon for “HOME” page
    In the supervisor interface the icon for the “HOME” page has been updated and this page can now be found both in the “Ex” symbol as well as in the new checkbox icon.


  • Batch operation when drag and drop exams/supervisors
    There is a new batch feature when you move multiple exams or supervisors between rooms. Check the checkboxes and only select the action for all of them ones.


  • Removed page for supervisors
    The page for “ALL ROOMS” has been removed since the same information can be found when the user selects to “view” an accepted booking.

  • No default settings when duplicating an exam
    When making a duplication of an exam there are no default settings and the status will always go to “pending”.

  • Schedule supervisor for past dates
    In the case the supervisor schedule is changed last minute, the supervisor can now be scheduled afterwards for past dates.

Bug fixes

  • Resolved a bug where exam managers could edit the number of planned students for a scheduled exam

  • Resolved a bug where it was difficult to drag and drop an exam or supervisor with a very long name