TE AutoPilot 0.10.54

The main focus for this release have been on the new filter feature in the activities tab, as well as on improved mapping of forms in the activity designer. A release demo (in Swedish) can be found here: Release demo 2021-09-06

What’s new

There is an updated and improved filter in the activity manager where several features have been added to the filter function described below.

Filter settings

In the top part of the filter dialog the “filter settings” can be found. In combination with the selected filters, the settings controls what activities that should be rendered as a result of the filtering action.

Match criteria

  • Match all: The result will show all activities which matches ALL the filter criteria, e.g if the filter is set to teacher “Anna Andersson” and the second filter to course event “Micro economics”, the result will only show activities which contains both of the values.

  • Match one (default): The result will show all activities which matches at least ONE of the filter criteria. With the same example as above, the result will show activities which either contains the teacher “Anna Andersson” OR contains the course “Micro economics” or both of them.

Include full submission for matching activity

  • Single activity (default): The result will only show the specific activities that matches the set filter criteria.

  • All in submission: The result will render all activities from a submission where at least one of the activities matches the filter criteria.

Available properties

The available properties for filtering on have been extended in this new version with options such as:

  • Date: Possibility to filter on date interval, select start and end date in the calendar.

  • Time: If exact time is available as a preference in the form, it’s possible to filter on a time interval. Select start and end date.

  • Search: All objects, fields and tags are searchable in the filter in order to faster find the right criteria.


Send reservation ID from Core

When an activity has been sent from the activity manager to the selection list in TE Core and gets manually scheduled, TE Core will generate a question “Send reservation to activity manager?”. If you select “OK” the activity will be marked as scheduled in the activity manager with the correct reservation number.


Cancel selected reservations

When activities are scheduled it can now be can cancelled in both the activity manager as well as in the TE Core calendar, so the status in the activity manager will go back to “not scheduled” and the reservation in TE Core will be removed.



Activity designer has been improved within this release to more easily carry out the mapping of a form. There are small improvements, but which hopefully will make a big difference.

  • Reservation mode as default: Given that a reservation mode is selected in the settings of a form in TE Preferences, all types and fields will be rendered as default when opening the activity designer for the first time for a new form.

  • Only gives relevant options: In the dropdown when selecting an element to map, only relevant elements will be presented. E.g if the group management is not enabled in the form, it should not be available as an option to map.

  • Only relevant timing modes: If the form contains a table section, you shouldn’t be able to map “exact” or “timeslots”, only “sequence” will then be available as an option.

  • Readable after saved: Once the activity designer is saved, the dropdown fields are not cut anymore which means the mapping can be read without having to “Unlock” the designer.


Bug fixes

  • Resolved a bug where the page sometimes broke when expanding a form submission vertically in the activity manager.