One-off slots & scheduling priorities improvements

Schedule with one off slots

Schedule one or many exams using one-off slots instead of creating multiple standard slots to fit in specific exam priorities. The concept of one-off slots is to use the slot one time for a specific exam and then for the slot to be disabled.

  • Easier interface when there is no longer a need for an endless amount of standard slots

  • Save time in the scheduling process by easy creating a slot that suits the specific priorities

The process

  • Create a room booking in TE Exam for the specific date

  • Select the exam in with the checkbox in the exam table in the scheduling calendar page. Select “Actions” in the top tight corner and to “schedule with one-off slot”

  • Populate the dialog with name, time and room booking. The room booking dropdown will filter out the available rooms that are already booked in TE Exam.

  • Press “ok” to create the one-off slot and to schedule the exam


Scheduling priorities improvements

  • Only one scheduling priority per date
    There is a new setting in the scheduling priorities where the exam administrator can select to only allow one scheduling priority per date.

  • All fields are validated in the scheduling priorities
    When an exam manager submits an exam request, there is now a validation for all fields in the scheduling priority. This means you have to select values for both e.g date and time interval.

  • Can not submit exam requests earlier than today’s date
    In order to prevent exam managers from accidentally selecting the wrong date, all dates ahead of today have been disabled.


General improvements


  • Hidden student information in the interface for exam managers and supervisors
    In order to make sure sensitive student information is protected, all student related pages are removed from the exam manager interface as well from the supervisor interface.

  • Column for coordinator has been added to the exam scheduling table
    In the scheduling calendar, the column “coordinator” has been added as a selectable column in the exam table. Select it by using the “+” icon in the table header.

Bug fixes

  • Resolved a bug in the API integration settings related to the objects filtering.