TE Core 2.823

TE Core 2.823 was released to production on Tuesday, June 14, 2022


  • The object information sidebar now includes information about any optional related objects

  • Multi selection in the object list. If you sometimes need to add many objects of one type to your selection, you may want to give this feature a go.

    • First, enable the setting in the account pane and save

    • A new button will appear above the object list - clicking it will toggle into multi selection mode

    • In multi selection mode, a single click will highlight an object but not add it to the selection list

    • You can use the same modifier keys as in reservation lists to select multiple objects, i.e. holding down shift and clicking to select a range, and holding down ctrl/command to select or de-select multiple individual objects

    • Once you have selected the objects you want, click the right-pointing arrow button and select “Add selected objects”. You also have the option to add all the objects in the list at once. This option does not require you to make a selection

    • The objects will be added to your selection in one operation


Enable under Account Settings “Enable multi select in object list”




  • Fixed an issue with calendars using a fixed date interval, set to open on today’s date, and set to skip some weekdays (i.e. weekends). Before the fix, the calendar could open displaying some dates outside of the given interval if today’s date was close to the end of the interval. Now, the calendar will adjust so that dates outside of the interval are not displayed.