TE Preferences 1.1.23

What’s new

The focus for this release has been on releasing an improved permission system in TE preferences, containing six new roles listed below.

  • System administrator: This role have the highest level of permission in TE Preferences. A user with this role can edit all settings, as well as overviewing, creating, editing and assigning ALL forms for the given organization.

  • Administrator: This role do not have access to the TE integration settings, nor the organizational settings. A user with this role have the permission to add other users, as well as overviewing, creating, editing and assigning ALL forms for the given organization.

  • User: This role do not have access to any of the settings in TE preferences, nor have the permission to create new forms. A user with this role only have access to the forms and submissions that has been assigned to the user.

Roles for assisted scheduling:

  • System administrator - assisted: Identical permissions as the “system administrator” but with access to assisted scheduling.

  • Administrator - assisted: Identical permissions as the “administrator” but with access to assisted scheduling.

  • User - assisted: Identical permissions as the “user” but with access to assisted scheduling.



  • Designers note
    There is a new feature to save a “designers note” as a reminder to yourself. Opening the form one or two semesters later, it’s easy to forget the reasoning behind it. The note is available in all elements and will only be shown to the designer. Simply save by pressing enter.


  • Field search (text) element is removed
    The element “Field search (text)” is removed from the designer since other features have replaced the real use of this element.

  • Showing the year in connected section
    What year the form period is referring to is now shown in the connected section in order to avoid misunderstandings.

Bug fixes

  • Resolved a bug where the connected section rendered wrong week numbers for 2021.

  • Resolved a bug where the action to submit where missing for a form.

  • Resolved a bug where new single recipients couldn’t always be added.

  • Resolved a bug where existing users couldn’t be added to a new organization.