TE Exam - Exam type and language made configurable

In the exam request page, the “exam type” and “exam language” are now configurable like any other type on the request page. Mandatory as default.

  • Select to include or exclude the types in the exam request page

  • Select to make the types mandatory or optional in the exam request page

The setting can be found in the exam settings page, in the tab “mandatory objects”. This feature is available to all customers from calendar week 8, 2022.


Bug fixes

  • Resolved a bug related to allocation where students accidentally got allocated to the same seat

  • Resolved a bug where blank pages where included in the generation of seatings lists if carried out as a batch operation

  • Resolved a bug where horizontal scroll was missing in some of the exam tables

  • Resolved a bug where two API calls have been improved upon in order to reduce the response time in the exam overview page, i.e load the exams in the table faster